About Us

Metro-Mold SRL Company Profile Currently our company forges partnerships with many pharmaceutical drug manufacturers and representatives from Western and Eastern Europe, including world-known companies. At the same time we focus on establishment of close contacts with many national medical institutions and charity funds.

We are well aware that Moldavian pharmaceutical market is considered to be of minimal attractiveness by major pan-European multinational pharmaceutical companies and ,thus, many of the innovating and most-required brands are not accessible to our population. Therefore, our main mission is to supply modern and newly developed pharmaceuticals to all patients in Moldova who are in great need in them.

The major principles of our company is to create the most profitable relations with our clients on the basis of partnership and mutual respect. We want to be valued for the contribution our medicines can make to society and trusted for the way in which we do business.

We are passionate about providing solutions to problems that affect thousands of people every year. We strive to address unmet treatment needs for people with HIV, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, anemia and Hepatitis C.

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